Hi guys, also today I want to take you on a workout. After I have already shown
you how I train legs and chest in the gym, today it’s the turn of the back. Be
curious and learn with me how you can make your workout particularly effective
and efficient.


As usual, I warm up with 10 minutes of cardio before I start the exercises.
We train very early in the morning today, because we still have a lot on the
agenda. In addition, this is also great for the body, because your body will burn
more calories throughout the day. So I can only advise you!

ABS – Sixpack Workout

Since we are still in Mallorca and the weather is good today, I will show you my
typical ABS exercises in the outdoor area of the gym. First we start with some leg
raises. To do this, I hang onto the scaffolding and move my legs up and down
again and again. Here I try to get up and then very straight down. But if it is too
hard for you as a beginner you can just move up your knees to the level of the
belly button. Here you do not necessarily have to count the repetitions because
we only work with your own body weight. Here the motto is: The more the more
effective. But do not overdo it, because we are just starting the workout and still
need power for the other exercises.
Alternatively, you can also grab a mat and lie on your back, stretch your legs to
the sky and also now perform the same up and down motion. It’s more
strenuous with your legs stretched out than with them bent. Depending on the
difficulty level, you can choose between the two variations.
After I finish with the hanging leg raises I continue with sit-ups, followed by lying
leg raises and Russian twists. Here Superset means: perform as many
repetitions as possible, because we also work here with all exercises as already
explained above, with our own body weight.

ABS Workout (4 Sets):
hanging leg raises (super set)
sit ups (super set)

lying leg raises (super set)
russian twist (super set)

I love activating my abs before a workout because I’m already focused and can
target the body part I want even better. I used to do my ABS workout at the end
but then I couldn’t concentrate on the muscles so the order I show you today is
the most effective for me. To achieve a similar form as me, I can only give you
the way to do more and more repetitions, instead of increasing the weight.

Following my four exercises, I do planks. First straight and then sideways. The
point is to keep the body in the same position as long as possible. During the
exercise, the butt must be at the same height as the back the whole time,
otherwise you will sag and not be able to effectively use your muscles. I always
hold for 2.5 minutes for the regular planks and 30 seconds for the lateral ones.
The good thing is that through the exercise we have now already warmed up the
shoulders, which we also need for the back workout.

Back Workout

Now I go back in and start
my back workout with some lat pulls on the machine. When I do back workouts I
am not very stuck in my routine. Sometimes I also start with some chin ups and
pull ups.

warm up Set: less weight (10-12 reps)
first set: 83 kg (less reps)
second set: 83 kg (less reps)
third set: less weight (many reps)

For my lat pull I use a wide bar. Here it is important to be very upright and not
move your back too much. Again, I follow the pyramid principle of weight
distribution and start with little weight which I then increase. At the end, as
always, I do another set with little weight to once again push my muscle as hard
as I can. But you already know that.
Here, it’s super important to make sure your elbows don’t stop in the front when
you go to the back. They must always be positioned at the back. This will allow
you to better target the upper lat, because afterwards we will do very tight lats
to target the other muscle groups. So it’s important to target the upper lat here
to get the full range of motion.

As just announced, we now change the grip on the cable pull to do lats in a
tighter grip. Here we also did two sets with 83 kg in 5 repetitions. We left out the
warm-up set with a few weights because we did both exercises directly after
each other. After that we did a drop set where we went down to 59 kg and as the
last set we did many repetitions (12 to 15 pieces) with little weight.
In general, with all exercises it is important to focus and concentrate and rather
take less weight and have the right execution.

Next, we do the Arrow exercise. Unfortunately, you can’t always do this, because
the machine for it is not available in all gyms. But when I have the opportunity I
always do the exercise because here you can hit the muscles particularly well.
For the right positioning you have to lean back a little bit on the machine.
Another tip is to always include a few concentrate pushes here, i.e. to exhaust
each side individually.

Next, I do wide pulls. Here I do each arm individually. To get the perfect position
on the machine, I lower the seat a bit so I can really pull the weight back. Try to
move your elbow up here and straight back.
warm Up Set:

less weight (12 – 15 reps)
first set: 50 kg (less reps)
second set: 50 kg (less reps)
third set: less weight (many reps)

After that I do deadlifts. But not real deadlifts, because I try to concentrate more
on my lower back. For this I use the barbell. Here it is especially important that
you don’t bend your knees too much, but just a little bit.

first set: 80 kg (12 reps)
second set: 100 kg (8 reps)
third set: 100 kg (8 reps)
fourth set: 110 kg (6 reps)
fifth set: 60 kg (12 – 15 reps)

After that, I train my back shoulders. Here I try to sit quite high on the machine.
It is important that the arm is in line with the shoulder. As with the previous
exercise, you should also lean back a little. It is also important to avoid curling
your neck like a turtle. To prevent this from happening you can turn your elbows

first set: much weight (less reps)
second set: much weight (less reps)
third set: less weight (many reps)

As a last exercise we train our biceps and neck with the dumbbells.

first set: much weight (less reps)
second set: much weight (less reps)
third set: less weight (many reps)

That’s it guys. I hope you like my routine and you can include some in yours. See
you soon !


On my channel you will find videos about modeling, men’s fashion and style, men’s hair, health, fitness, overall lifestyle, and of course, my personal life. This includes my friends and family, so please be mindful of that and maintain a positive atmosphere in the comments section. Don’t forget to subscribe and make sure to hit that like button if you enjoyed the video!

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10 min – Military Workout for at home

Hey guys, another workout is coming your way! This time I wanted to show you a „military workout“ routine. It combines cardio with strength exercises, and it definitely will be challenging, but it also will be worth it at the end. You can add it to your workout routine as a high intense exercise to kill your fat!

Every exercise will be repeated several times within the course of the routine, but obviously I will only explain it once. 😀

Jumping Jacks: Start with high frequency jumping jacks, to get the heart going.

Burpees: Right after that go over to burpees. Jump down to a push up position, do a push up, get up, do a high jump and start over. Try to really get those movements into one flow. It is hard at first, but you will get used to it!

High Knees: To keep the intensity, switch to High knees. Remember: No pause between the exercises!

Mountain climbers: Now this is an exercise most people hate, but I love it! It really gets exhausting after a little while. Get into a push up position. But don’t do a push up – rather pull your knees alternately to your chest, as if you were running.

Punches: Throw some punches! But remember to move your feet. A boxer never stands still. Also lay your whole body into the punch.

Twist Jumps: Jump up and down and twist your hips. It sounds like a dance move and it kinda looks like it as well. 😀

Kick Throughs: They are pretty similar to mountain climbers. The difference is that you don’t pull your knees up to the chest, but kick your legs below your body through to the other side. Your right leg to the left and your left leg to the right.

Push Ups: Those almost feel like a relieve after those burpees, right?

Push Up Hold: Now hold yourself down in that position, arms tight to the body. It burns!

Plank Hold: Keep holding! Your body has to be a straight line. 

Squats Jumps: Now again something for your legs. They work just like normal squats, but when going up, you jump! Try to get a smooth movement here, similar to the burpees.

Side Plank on each side: Try to keep your body straight, it has to be one line, tense your whole body.

Jack Knife: Lay on the ground and stretch your body out. Now, while keeping your arms and legs straight, get them together in the middle.

Squat hold: Just like squats, but hold! Try to go deep.

Squat Twists: This is a mixture out of Jump Twists and Squat Jumps. Do the squat jump first, then switch to the right by pulling your right leg back and your left leg to the front, almost as in a deep lunge position in yoga. Then come back to the middle and after that to the left.

Plank up and downs: You thought plank was hard? Try going from a plank position to a push up position and back.

Walk up and down: Unleash the animal inside of you! Walk on your hands and feet up and down. Try to keep your body tense.

Lunge kicks: Last exercise! Do a deep lunge and kick out of it with your back leg!

And that’s it! Feeling exhausted? Good! With each time you will get used to it more and more, it will show. 😊

I hope you can make this workout part of your routine. For more workouts like this, hair style tutorials and vlogs visit my YouTube Channel @fabianxarnold. Take care and see you there!

How to plan workout for a week? – inkl. workout-plan – fabianxarnold

Hey guys, I hope you are all doing well! As you know, I have shared a few of my workouts on YouTube (and there will be even more in die future 😉). But today I wanted to talk to you about how to structure those workouts properly. You cannot simply do one session everyday and expect to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger afterwards. 😀 Also, because of the pandemic, it is extra hard to find a fitting workout routine. That’s why I will try and show you how I structure my Workout Plan.

I will go through six simple questions and try to find ways to answer them. At the end of those you hopefully can structure your own fitness routine! While doing that, I will use my own workouts as an example.

Question 1: How many times per week should I work out?

This is the most important question in the beginning. To answer it, you have to be clear about your goals: Do you want to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger? Do you just want to be active and more healthy? Or do you simply want to have something to balance out your everyday life? Those goals determine the number of workouts.
I recommend something between three and six times per week. With less than three workouts a week, it is hard to get a routine going, doing seven workouts a week will probably overwork you.
In the example I use, we will do five workouts, so you have two days of rest.

Question 2: How long should I work out each time?

My recommendation here is between 45 minutes and two hours. But be sure to not only do one kind of workout, but rather combine them (more on that later). I recommend to do 45 minutes to an hour on five days a week, instead of doing two hours only three times a week. As I’ve said before, your mind gets into a routine. That is what we want to achieve.
So, for our example we well use an one hour workout five times a week.

Question 3: What different types of workouts are there?

Of course not every training session should be the same. Different type of workouts strain different kind of muscle groups. I like to divide the different types into three boxes. You can find the different sessions on my YouTube Channel:

Box 1 – Warm Up
Rope Skipping
10 min Full Body
10 min Stretching

Box 2 – Secondary workouts
10min Sixpack

Box 3 – Main Workouts

In the next steps we will get into them and put them together!

Question 4: Warm Up – What? How? When?

The Warm Up is very important in every workout. It gets your heart going and reduces the risk of an injury. Use five to ten minutes on that. You should do it before EVERY workout! Also you can switch it up here. A Warm Up can be a 10 minute fat burn (look on my YT Channel for that 😉) as well as rope skipping – it just has to be something to put your heart rate up and get you sweating.

Question 5: When should I train Abs?

Yeah, we all want to have a sixpack, don’t we? But we cannot train for it every day. We have to give those muscles some rest after a big session, so they can recover. Luckily, you can train abs more often than other muscle groups. I have found that, once you get really into it, they recover a lot better than the big muscle groups. So I recommend abs training every two workout days. I always do them before my Main Workouts. It helps me stay motivated! But be sure that the first few days your abs will burn. A lot.

Question 6: How do I integrate the Main Workouts?

We are almost done! Now we have five days to fill up the plan with our main exercises. For me, there are four different exercises to differentiate:

  1. Push Workout (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
  2. Pull Workout (Back, Neck, Biceps, Back Shoulder, Lower Back)
  3. Leg Workout (thighs and calves)
  4. Cardio (Running, Swimming, Bicycle etc.)

So, we have those four main groups. We can change them up however we please. On one day for example we can train push and pull together, or we can train push and legs together, or push and cardio … you get the idea. 😀
The way I do it is splitting them. Because I workout six times a week, I do one exercise each day. Monday push, Tuesday pull, Thursday legs and so on. But for someone who is just starting, it may be right to combine different workouts.

So, after adding your main exercises, the plan looks something like this:

As you can probably see, we now do the push training two times a week. Because there are five days, but only four main exercises, it allows us to have a base (Warm Up and Abs) and switch the main exercises one day up. That way no training week is the same!

So, that’s the workout plan! I hope it wasn’t too confusing and I was able to help some of you. 😊 If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments below! Also check out my Youtube Channel for all of my workouts, and there are even more on the way!

Take care, guys. Until the next time!


My Fitness Routine – by fabianxarnold

Welcome back for a new blog post. Finally I will write down my fitness routine many of you had asked for.

Before I start telling you more about my fitness routine I will speak about my goal in fitness. That’s the most important thing. Without to know your goal you can’t work out the right way.


What is my goal in fitness?!

My goal in fitness is not to become bigger! Because of modelling I have to stay slim and shredded. If I become too big I would be a fitness model and wouldn’t get work as a fashion model. Because I’ve been working out since 6 years I have enough muscles and don’t need to gain more. So basically I will just stay as I am but more shredded. 

How do I achieve my goal?

The easiest way for that is to count calories. I always try to stay in a daily calorie deficit. That means I burn more calories than I eat/drink.

Example: 3500 cal burned – 2700 cal food/drinks = 800 cal deficite

How do I count the calories I burn?

There are two ways your body can burn calories: Active and Passive.

Active means you do sport or work out. So your body will burn the calories because you are moving. I count those calories with my Smartwatch.

Passive means the calories that your body needs to keep your body alive, for example as energy for your heart, brain and so on. Every day is very similar. You can track that with your Smartwatch or you can calculate it online. Unfortunately I didn’t find a good calculator because they are all just using age, weight and height without using personal data like a smartwatch!

The total calories you burn today is the addition of active and passive calories.

Example: 2000 cal passive + 1400 cal active = 3400 cal total

How do I coun’t the calories I eat/drink?

There are many apps on your smartphone where eyou can track the food and drinks you have. I use “My Fitnesspal” and im really happy with that.

You can scan the barcode or type in whatever you eat or drink. It will show you the calories and also the makros (Carbs, Protein and Fat).

I will tell you more about what I eat and drink in the next blog post.


What is my workout plan?

To be honest I don’t have a proper plan right now that says I go on these days and those days are off. Because in modelling every day is different so I plan every week different. My goal is to burn 1400 Cal active and to move more than 10 km per day.

I try to do sport 5-6 times a week, 2 times I go for a run and 4 times to the gym. When I go for a run I try to get at least 9km.

My Gym Plan:

I normally do Push, Pull, Leg.

That means one day I train all the muscles I need to push (chest, shoulders and trizeps), on the other day I train all the muscles I need to pull (back, neck, bizeps) and on the last day I train legs.

I train Abs every 3 days for like 20 minutes (Sit-ups, Planks, …).

When someone ask me how many reps I do I just answer that I’m not counting my reps. I train until my muscles are burning.


1. Push-Day

Warm-Up-Run 5 min

Chest (4 exercises):

  • Benchpress Barbbell flat (5 sets)
  • Benchpress Dumbbell incline (3 sets)
  • Chestpress Machine decline (3 sets)
  • Flyings (4 sets)

Shoulders (3 exercises):

  • Shoulderpress (3 x Superset)
  • Shoulder Side raises (3 x Superset)
  • Battle Rope (5 x 30 sec on / 30 sec off)

Trizeps (1 exercise):

  • Cable Trizeps extension (4 sets)


2. Pull-Day

Warm-Up-Run 5 min

Back (5 exercises):

  • Lat-Pull wide (4 sets)
  • Lat-Pull close (3 sets)
  • Back-Row wide (4 sets)
  • Back-Row close (3 sets)
  • Lower Back (5 sets)

Neck (2 exercises):

  • Back-Shoulders-Raises (3x Superset)
  • Neck with Dumbbell (3x Superset)

Bizeps (1 exercise):

  • Bizeps-Curls (4 sets)


3. Leg-Day

Warm-Up-Run 10 min

  • Squats (5 sets)
  • Lunges (3 sets)
  • Leg extensions (3x Superset)
  • Leg curls (3x Superset)
  • Leg press (3 sets)
  • Calves (4 sets)


Its important to say: Everyone is different! Not only because you are working out like me, means you will look like me. Every body works different and also food is almost more important than the sport sessions.

My next blog post will be about my food routine.

I hope you liked this blog post?! If you have questions, feel free to ask me! I will answer everything and if you have suggestions on what to write in my next blog post, please tell me! 🙂

Otherwise, check out my Instagram account!

Best regards



My reason for starting with fitness?! – The Story fabianxarnold

Before I give you tips in fitness, I would like to explain why I started with fitness. Beside the reason why I started with fitness, you will also learn something about my life and about my childhood. This was an important point in my development.

Sport was and is my life

At the age of five, I started playing football. At the age of seven, I decided to start with handball in addition to football. I played Handball and Football until I was 15 years old. Because I had not enough time for both I had to decide for a sport. This decision was 100% football! During school I played flag-football in a school-team. At the age of 16 I started with gym. Sport has always been one of the biggest parts of my life. It distracted me and motivated me to keep going. I can’t imagine a life without sport. I just enjoyed being on the football field with my friends and running past the ball. Sometimes I felt like a crazy dog ​​who is crazy about the ball.

My parents the reason for my urge to sport?

Yes, I think you can say it that way. Through my parents, I have become so crazy to sports. My father and mother played handball. My mother stopped when I was born and my dad stopped when I was about 6 years old. Well, I can‘t really remember that, but that’s how I would appreciate it. So every weekend, when I was younger, we were driving to a handball match of my dad’s team to watch him playing handball. In addition to handball, my father has had great interest in football. And to be honest, he was not a bad footballer either.

I remember the day when my parents asked me if I wanted to start a sport and which sport it should be. They left me all possibilities open. But i was only thinking about handball and football. At that time I found football just more interesting. Just like my brother. We are both football player.

The young Fabian

As a child, I was always a head shorter than all the others of my level and about a year younger. Because of that, I was always the weakest and thinnest. When I was 15, I broke my arm while skiing. Because it was a complicated break, I had to plaster for over two months. My entire arm muscles, which I had at that time, had completely disappeared and my right arm consisted only of skin and bones. When it started with girls and party at the age of 16, I don’t wanted be longer the little Fabian. The only way out I could see was to go to the gym and get some muscles. And so I did it.

I went to the next gym, which was not the best quality gym. But it was empty, had a sauna and with all my other buddies I could train there. I kept training without a break. From 2 days a week to 3 days a week, sometimes every day of the week. I started to learn more about fitness, read books, changed my diet, skipped alcohol, and did whatever it takes to get my body in shape. All this happened at the age of 18 years after party and alcohol was not that important anymore.

Because I’ve always played football in the meantime, I did not have to do cardio at the gym. So I focused only on growing my muscles. Usually my week looked like this: football three days a week and the gym three days a week. One day I had rest day. But that day I would have liked to go as well.

The setback at 18 years

When I was 18, I broke my elbow in football. It was not a complicated break and I only had to wear a plaster for three weeks. But this break was enough to make most of the muscles on my right arm disappear. It felt like a huge setback. All my energy, which I had previously invested in the gym, was in vain. I had no desire to start again and my motivation was on the ground. But I got through it and got up to go to the gym and start again. Since I was approached by photographer Teejott to model, I had the motivation to get back to my old form to look good in the photos. And yes, I did it again! I pulled through and kept coming forward and closer to my goal.

Review – Would I do it again?

I know that I put so much time into this hobby fitness. But I would do it again at any time, because on the one hand it changed my body but also on the other side my person. As I’ve told you already, you sit in the gym for hours, thinking about yourself, about your purpose in life, and about others.For me, fitness is more than just a sport to look fit. I use it to balance myself and to think about everything. Fitness simply puts you into a routine that can improve your day-to-day work and productivity. In addition, you get to know incredibly great new friends in the gym, who have the same interests and think similar!It is always great when you have not seen people for a long time and they make you aware of the success in the gym: “Yeah, you have changed a lot!”

I hope you liked this blog post?! If you have questions, feel free to ask me! I will answer everything and if you have suggestions on what to write in my next blog post, please tell me! 🙂Otherwise, check out my Instagram account! Best regardsFabian