Q&A – My Move to Los Angeles

Hey Guys, as you probably already know from Instagram, I finally got my visa and my dream to move to LA is becoming a reality. You can’t believe how happy I am. To give you a better insight into my situation and to help you understand my decision even better I thought of doing a little Q&A with you to clarify the questions I keep getting asked. Be curious – maybe your question is included.

First question: I think the most frequently asked question is actually, why are you moving to LA?

The dream has already manifested itself about three years ago – 2019 with me. At that time I just lived in Australia and started modeling. From a purely business perspective, LA is a goldmine for modeling. Most big campaigns are shot there and most world famous photographers but also stars and starlets learn there. Recently LA has also become the place to be for TikToker, which of course suits me very well. And as you all know: Hollywood film productions are also from LA. In addition, my mother agency also sits in LA, which is why it was then only offered to work towards my artist visa – and as just announced, I have taken three years for the full approval and can not wait to start now.

2nd question: How long are you staying in LA?

I haven’t planned exactly yet, but I know that I will stay there for a long time. My talent visa is for three years so I have the opportunity to reach my full potential there and who knows what will happen. Since I don’t have an apartment in Germany anymore, I don’t know where I will move to after that time. Maybe I can extend my visa, maybe I will go back to Australia or maybe I will go somewhere else. Currently I have no countered plans. But of course I want to enjoy the first months in LA and see if I can imagine spending such a long time there.

3rd question: Are you going to Coachella?

Yes, I’m going there. We’ll be there the second weekend, since we’re not flying to LA until 4/21. Then from the 22nd to the 26th I’ll be there with some other influencers and friends. After Coachella I’ll be staying in an Airbnb until I can finally move into my own apartment in LA on May 1st.

4th question: Are you moving alone?

Since we’re going to Coachella first, of course I won’t fly alone but my journey will continue alone afterwards.

5th question: Are you excited?

Since 2018 was the first time I’ve been so far away from home, I’m not that excited to be there anymore. For such a long period of time, of course, I have never been away but in 2018 and 2019 I was on the road for a total of 1.5 years which fortunately takes away my anxiety. So I am only positively excited and full of anticipation.

6th question: Why don’t you go to Australia?

I love australia. it’s my favorite country and I liked the whole mentality and life there more than enough. So I can say that Sidney is definitely my favorite city so far. But I don’t want to commit myself. Currently I’m single but of course I want to make that dependent on my future partner and see where she comes from, where it drives her and who knows maybe we will grow old together in Australia. But for fashion modeling and acting, so for the current stage of life Sidney is just not so well suited, so now LA is first on the plan. Everything step by step.

7th question: Are you going to auditions and do you already have a role in LA and will start filming?

No, that’s why I will go to such castings, of course. As I already said, I have my agency in La and they will of course support me in getting a foothold in the film industry and finding a good film agency.

8th question: What is so great about LA?

I was already in LA for two months in 2019. I didn’t really like LA there if I’m completely honest. For me it was dirty, I didn’t meet as friendly and open people as in Australia but the opportunities there are indescribable. When I’m in LA I can develop my career as fast as nowhere else.

9th question: How can local photographers work with you?

You can always reach me through my email. If you contact me via Instagram, the DM might get lost, so it’s better to go the old-fashioned way.

Tenth question: How will you move around LA? There is hardly any public transportation there.

The last time I was in LA I took Uber a lot. But since I plan to stay longer this time I think I will buy a car.

11th question: Will you visit Las Vegas?

The last time I was in LA I was in Las Vegas for two days. This time some of my friends want to visit me in LA and we are already thinking about doing a boys trip to Las Vegas.

12th question: What did you prepare to move to LA?

If I am honest not much. I am not good at planning. I just booked my flights, took care of accommodation and of course my agency is there. I haven’t even packed yet, although it’s going to start soon.

13th question: Are you moving to LA for professional reasons or for self-realization reasons?

As I just answered, this is a professional decision for me to take my business to the next level. If it was just about being freer and developing personally I would probably go back to Sidney.

If it was just about being freer and developing personally I would probably go back to Sidney.

14th question: Will you live permanently in Los Angeles or will you go back to Germany?

As I just mentioned, I am quite flexible. I like to drift and would like to see who I meet in LA and how the whole situation develops there before I make a decision.

15th question: What do you expect from your move to LA?

Again, I don’t have a clear answer for you because I have to let LA as a place to live sink in. However, my dream would be to get a foothold as an actor there and star in a Netflix series like Vampire Diaries.

16th question: Will you focus more on modeling or acting in LA?

I think I will focus more on modeling at first because it’s easier to get started. Acting is a hard place and if I focus only on that, the chance of really succeeding in LA is too low. I mean everyone wants to make it in Hollywood as an actor.

17th question: What is so special about LA?

I think LA fits my vibe very well. I’m more of a beach boy type of guy who likes to do sports and I think that fits LA well. Also my work as an influencer and generally my work in social media fits well the vibe of the city. For example, I don’t see myself long-term in a business city like New York where everything is very classic and stiff.

18th question: What does being a model mean to you?

This doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with my move to LA but it’s still a very intriguing question. Personally, I can say that I have become very self-confident through modeling. The fact that my appearance, or modeling finances my life impresses me again and again. And I am grateful for it. Since I concentrate on my goals and shape my body as I need it in my profession, a lot has changed.

19th question: What will you miss most about Germany?

I think it will be our bread. That’s what I missed most in Australia, too, if I’m honest. But most of all, of course, my family.

20th question: Do you already know people in LA?

Yes, I know some people in LA from my last trip in 2019.

21st question: Do you have a bucket list for the USA?

I would love to visit New York. Washington is definitely on my list as well though. Miami, Florida in general but also San Francisco I would like to see. Maybe Texas as well – something more unusual I don’t know exactly why but I want to do it.

22nd question: What is your dream place to be?

In LA, Runyon Canyon and generally in the world – Sydney.

23rd question: Is your brother coming with you to LA?

No, but he will definitely come to visit me.

That’s it. I hope I can give you some helpful answers. In one week I’m going to Coachella – I’m so excited. You guys too? Stay tuned. Of course I will take you there as well.


Fashion Week Paris 2022

Hi guys, today I want to dive with you into the world of Paris Fashion Week. Are you curious who I have met? I can already tell you one thing: You know many. 

DAY 1: Travel/Arrival Paris + Giorgio Armani Party

I started in Cologne. There I have exchanged my campervan by train, so that we can still work a little on the outward journey. I can only recommend to each of you, because the car traffic in Paris is pure madness. At the main station I met my videographer Michel and together we started our trip to Paris. 

Once we arrived in Paris, the first thing we did was check into our Airbnb, which is located right next to the Louvre. After freshening up and putting our stuff away, we went out into the city to explore Paris. For dinner we also met my artist manager Vada Muller. Afterwards we went to our first event: The Giorgio Armani Aftershow Party. It was super exciting, but see for yourself. 

Arc de Triumph

DAY 2: Sandro Paris + Paco Rabanne Party

Thursday we got up early, edited some videos from the day before and got ready for the next event. I was invited to the Sandro Paris showroom and Michel of course accompanied me with the camera. But first we went to the Gauchere Fashion Show. After that first show we went back home and had something to eat. I changed again and put on the suit from Sandro. Strengthened, we then went on our way. 

When we arrived at Sandro, we directly looked at the new collection and I looked for a new outfit. After we were done with the fitting, we went to the Arc de Triumph to shoot some content. In the evening we were invited to the store opening event of Paco Rabanne. By good music and drinks we could connect with some interesting people. The rest of the evening we spent relaxing at home because the next day, there was again a lot on the agenda as well. 

Karl Lagerfeld Showroom

DAY 3: Karl Lagerfeld + Dior Store Opening

Friday I got up early as always, went for a run at the Eiffel Tower and came back to the Airbnb to hit on the others. After we quit editing some stuff we dressed up again for the next event: The Karl Lagerfeld Showroom. Btw: Thanks for having us! Afterwards we went to the Louvre to produce content for you again. After that we went to our next event: The Dior Store Opening. There we also met nice people and admired the new collection. Afterwards we went straight home to get some sleep.

DAY 4: Paul Smith

The next day we started with a workout and did my six pack workout. You can find the video in the fitness category. After our workout we shot some content at the Eiffel Tower. After that we went straight to the next event: The Paul Smith showroom. There I fell in love with a leather shirt, some great sunnies and a stunning bag. After visiting the Paul Smith Showroom we went back home, because we wanted to shoot some Content by Golden Hour at the Eiffel Tower. After the shooting we enjoyed our last evening with wine and delicious food. Afterwards we captured the last impressions of the Eiffel Tower at night. Then we went out for one last Party in Paris. 

DAY 5: Travels back to Germany

Saturday morning we made our way back to Cologne after a long night. 

That’s it guys, I hope I could give you a good insight into the Fashion Week. 

Next step for us: Mallorca – Stay tuned.


On my channel you will find videos about modeling, men’s fashion and style, men’s hair, health, fitness, overall lifestyle, and of course, my personal life. This includes my friends and family, so please be mindful of that and maintain a positive atmosphere in the comments section. Don’t forget to subscribe and make sure to hit that like button if you enjoyed the video!

– My Links –

Instagram • https://www.instagram.com/fabianxarnold​

Facebook • https://www.facebook.com/fabianxarnold​

Twitter • https://twitter.com/fabianxarnold​

Website • https://www.fabianxarnold.com​


– Contact – fabian@fabianxarnold.com

Model ABC – What is a Test Shoot?!

There are many different types of test shoots. Basically the name “test shoot” already contains the explanation. You test, you learn, you connect with people from the industry and you expand your portfolio.

What is a test shoot?

A test shoot has no minimum or maximum number of people that can be involved. Sometimes only the model and the photographer shoot, sometimes make-up artists are involved as well. The only important thing is that no third party is involved which has commissioned the shoot. You work together, but for yourself, so to speak.
In the best case, no one has to pay for this test. The profit is the resulting pictures that the artists involved can include in their portfolio – the model as well as the photographer and the make-up artists.


Why do you need to do this?

If you are a model at the very beginning of your career, these shoots help to generate just that and fill your portfolio. Depending on the size of the photographer, he or she may demand a small fee from the model for this, since the photographer can usually not use the pictures as well as the model itself.
The opposite situation also exists: if the model has already achieved a certain level of recognition on the market, and a relatively new photographer wants to expand his skills, he may pay the model.
In most cases, however, no money flows from one to the other,  it is simply a test shoot to get to know each other and, most importantly, push each other.
But there are other reasons to have a test shoot. For example, I recently updated my portfolio because my hair is significantly longer than in the most recent picture in my portfolio. If the hair comes off again, I’m probably due for a new test shoot. 😀
A test shoot is also useful when entering a previously unknown country. This way you are able to get to know the local photographers and acclimatise. This is very important, because photographers are often responsible for selecting models for jobs. As everywhere in life, connections are incredibly important and contribute significantly to success.


How do I get test shoots?

The classic way to get a test shoot is through your own model agency. They can then get in touch with a photographer.
In the digital age, however, there are of course other ways. Instagram and the like make this possible. On these platforms, you can ask photographers directly and arrange a test shoot.

You basically can’t do too many test shoots. But you should always be careful and not equate these tests with real jobs. Remember: You don’t usually get paid for these shoots. Therefore, you should always think about booking “real” jobs and earning money. Don’t end up losing your appetite because you’ve had your fill of shoots. 😀


This is what a test shoot looks like!

With my team, I shot a short behind the scenes video of our test shoot in Singapore 2019. Here you can follow first-hand how such a shoot goes; how I get made up, the shoot itself and the selection of the photos on the computer. Just have a look at my YouTube channel: @fabianxarnold

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments, whether on YouTube or here!


Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Berlin 2019 – Highlights, Impressions, Modeling

I know Fashion Week Berlin 2019 was more than a couple month ago. It was in July 2019. Nevertheless, I would like to share my impressions with you. It was a crazy week and I met a lot of people. Who I met and on which parties I was, you will get to know in this blog post.

Impressions of the city of Berlin

As most of you know, Berlin is the capital and is the largest city in Germany with 5 million inhabitants.

I think Berlin is a very interesting city, because you are not limited in your options. You can achieve everything. There are many freethinkers and alternative ways of thinking are always tolerated.

There are very cool clubs to party, places to chill with friends and just hang out. Berlin compared to other German cities is a snappy city.

Why should I go to Fashion Week?

Anyone who is from the fashion industry, working for a brand, as a photographer, as a model or as a stylist. It makes sense to go to the fashion week because there can be great new people to connect with. As a social media creator you can connect with brands and work out deals. You can also get to know new social media creator. For Brands it makes sense to represent your own brand in order to increase it. So basically Fashion Week is great for networking. A little tip: always take a business card with you.

As a model at Fashion Week in Berlin

This year I was booked as a model for the finale of Berlin Fashion Week in the “Haubentaucher”. It was a lot of fun to run in this great location as a model on the catwalk. I was just back from Los Angeles for a week and really enjoyed it.

Fashion Week is great to enlarge the image as a model. Money-technically, Fashion Week is not really worth it as a model.

How do I get invited to a fashion week?

If you have a certain size or reputation in the fashion scene, you will usually be contacted via email from PR agencies. Maybe your management will also take care of inviting you to red carpet events and shows.

If you are at the beginning of your career, it makes sense to email PR agencies and ask for invitations for the Fashion Week. You can also contact large brands, which have their own shows.

There is also the possibility to get appointments for new shows through contacts you made just now on some shows. Not all shows are at one location. Sometimes  you get confused where the next show is. And only by asking, you can get a rough overview of the whole event schedule.

Impressions of Fashion Week in Berlin 2019

The Fashion Week in Berlin is always a lot of fun, because I meet a lot of people that I have not seen for a long time. So it’s like a class reunion.

Especially among social media craters and models, there are connections and it’s just a lot of fun to go out and celebrate. For me Fashion Week in Berlin is less to increase my reputation. It’s more to meet all people again. For example, I met Carlos or Luca again.

I’ve been to a lot of events this year, including the Hugo Boss party, the About You show, the Michalski show, Otto, Guido Maria Kretzschmar, the Bunte Magazin party, the Tigha party and many more.

It’s actually like every year so I do not want to talk a lot about the individual events.


That was just a small review of the Fashion Week in Berlin 2019 and some general information. For the next Fashion Weeks, I will write detailed blog posts and also go into the individual events. For modeling-questions and questions about my person you can go and check out my Youtube Account with Q&As and also My Instagram account 🙂

If you have any questions, let me know in the comments.

Modeling in Singapore 2019 for 3 month

I was in Singapore for modeling from September until December 2019. It was my third Modell Trip and so much staff changed during that time. In this blog post I will tell you more about what happened in Singapore.


First arrival and impressions

When I arrived in Singapore I got on the train and drove towards the city centre because I had rented an apartment there. My first impression was that the streets are so clean and everything was very safe. There were cameras everywhere and you didn’t feel like you had to be careful. Singapore wasn’t as Asian as I thought it was. Everyone spoke perfect English and the street signs were in English.

The public train system was also well developed. You can tap with your credit card to pay the train or you can buy a card at 7Eleven.


It’s so hot in Singapore

Since I was living in Australia for a year, I was used to the heat. But Singapore wasn’t just hot! It was oppressive! You have the feeling that you start to sweat as soon as you get out of the air conditioning. Fortunately, air conditioning was available in all public buildings and on the trains.

The sun is not as strong on the skin as in Australia. Nevertheless, you should always wear long clothes or use sunscreen because the sun is strong there too. Singapore is located directly on the equator.



Modeling in Singapore as a Male Model

My reason to go to Singapore was that my mother agency from LA said that the model market in Singapore should be very good.

You have the chance to model for big magazines. So, you can build your portfolio as a model. That can help you for example, to get the visa for the United States.

My mother agency from LA got me a model agency in Singapore.

Right on the second day when I arrived in Singapore, I went to the agency and picked up my model cards.

The day before you always get the information about the dates and castings that are due the next day. The normal procedure looks like this:

You go to auditions, introduce yourself, hand in your model card, do a few digitals and then you wait to see if you get the job or not.

In three months, I modeled for three magazines and for several companies in the e-commerce sector. I am happy with my time in Singapore because it has brought me closer to my goal of modeling in America.


Party and social life in Singapore

I am very disappointed in partying and social life in Singapore. In the last few years I have been to a lot of parties in Australia, America and also in Europe and you cannot compare anything to the parties in Singapore. I didn’t like the music in Singapore at all. It was a remix of songs I heard ten years ago. Alcohol is so expensive in Singapore that I always thought whether it was worth drinking or not. The only thing I did was that I went to movies!

Cinemas in Singapore are cheaper than in Germany. So, during the week in THE CATHAY you only pay the equivalent of 6 € for a new movie!


Beaches in Singapore

Singapore is right on the water but has almost no natural beaches. The only beach there is on the island of Sentosa and it is an artificial beach. You can’t compare it to a normal beach. The beach vibe is not like in Australia. There are not many people at the beach and the water is not great either because the water is very warm and there are no waves.


Conclusion about Singapore

All in all, Singapore was definitely worth it. Since I was able to drive my business forward and also made good progress in modeling.

However, I would not go to Singapore for life because it is just too boring and there is nothing really you can do.








Since a while I am really interested in every kind of mens jewellery (necklaces, bracelets and rings). Now I am happy to announce that I came along with SkeletonHD to review the Phantom Stack Bracelets. In that Blogpost I will give you my own opinion about the look, comfortability and price of the bracelets!


As you may know I love the simple look of black and white mixed with some silver. The bracelets are super simple all matte black with some nice metal details. The balls are covering the whole wrist without any gaps and do look very high quality. Both bracelets look quite similar. The only difference are the unique metal details. One bracelet has only a single skull and additional some more smaller metal rings, the other one a double skull.








You are able to wear both bracelets together on one wrist or singular, and you are able to wear them to any outfit, it doesn’t matter if it’s a street style outfit or a smart casual outfit.  They have a perfect fit on my wrist and its either not too tight and not too wide, so you don’t feel any pressure in your skin. The weight of the bracelets is comfortable to wear but not too light that they feel cheap. The b and is stretchy but also not getting too lose after a few times of wearing, there you can see the quality of the bracelets.





The double skull bracelets are packed in a solid textured black box, baring the company logo embossed in silver across the top. Inside they are double packed in a little black mini bag that they don’t fall out. It’s a really nice package you could definitely use as a gift present!








With almost $120 the Phantom Stack Bracelets aren’t as cheap as many other competitors. BUT its definitely worth it if you compare the quality of the bracelets! They will last for a long time and even because they are basic and you can wear them to any outfit its worth it!




Overall I am really happy about the bracelets and fall in love with them straight away when I saw them in the package. After 1 month of wearing them almost every day they still look and feel new. I can really recommend them.

  • High Quality Material and Look
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Suits every Outfit


Here is the Link for the product:

#phantomstack #skeletonHD #blackbox #limitededition

*Partnership with SkeletonHD / Opinions are my own.