In Fashion, News

Hey guys, I hope you are all doing great!

I cut my hair. Yes, I did it. For 12 months I grew it and I wanted to cut it for so long – and I finally did (well, not me personally, but you get it :D).
New hair, new style! There are many different ways I can style my hair now. This time I want to show you a style that I think is very cool. I call it „The DiCaprio“. As you can tell by the name already, the look will be quite similar to Leonardo DiCaprio’s hairstyle – but in the 90’s. At that time he wasn’t the absolute megastar he is today, but rather a very talented up and comer, who started to land his first major roles. Oh, and a ladiesman as well.


Step 1: Wet your hair

You don’t need any products in your hair to begin with. You don’t even have to wash them beforehand. Just make sure, it is evenly wet and not dripping.


Step 2: Put volume in it

It doesn’t matter which product of volume mousse you use, it is just important that your hair has a little bit more strength in it and it doesn’t fall down so easily. Make sure that you don’t overdo it on the back and the sides though, because we don’t want to have too much volume on those parts, only at the top.


Step 3: Dry and form

Use a hair dryer and a brush. The main goal here is that your hair doesn’t fall down in your face anymore. You should also start on your middle parting by brushing your hair to either sides. After that you already should have a nice Leo-effect.


Step 4: Lean over and mess it up

Now your hair should be almost dry. In the final steps I like to bend over, so the hair falls straight down, and mess up the front strands to give them even more volume.
Now when you go through it with your hands (front to back), the Leo-effect is even more obvious.


Step 5: Matt paste

It is important that you use dry matt paste, not wet one! Even if you want to have a wet look, there are other ways to do it, just wait and see. 😉
With the same movement as before (front to back) you can give your hair now a nice form. To get the right texture, be sure to really mess it up at the end and brush it in. Now you can form it into place.


Step 6: Beard oil

To give your hair a more oily and healthy look, brush in some beard oil. You can even give yourself a little massage. Don’t use too much, otherwise it will look cheap. That is the advantage beard oil has to wet gel. It is much easier to get a cool look with beard oil, and in addition to that you can make fine adjustments without having to worry about soaking your hair.
After that the Leo-effect should be in full display. Damn, what a hairstyle!


Step 7: Hairspray

If you want it to hold, use some hairspray. Again: less is more. Make sure it holds, but don’t empty the bottle. 😀


That’s it for this awesome hairstyle! Tell me which styles you want to see next and I will try and make them happen. In the meantime, check out my Youtube Channel @fabianxarnold for more content! I recently uploaded a video, in which I tell you the story of how I became a model – of course you will find that on my website, as well.

So long, you guys, enjoy your day! Until next time. 😊

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