Hi guys, also today I want to take you on a workout. After I have already shown
you how I train legs and chest in the gym, today it’s the turn of the back. Be
curious and learn with me how you can make your workout particularly effective
and efficient.


As usual, I warm up with 10 minutes of cardio before I start the exercises.
We train very early in the morning today, because we still have a lot on the
agenda. In addition, this is also great for the body, because your body will burn
more calories throughout the day. So I can only advise you!

ABS – Sixpack Workout

Since we are still in Mallorca and the weather is good today, I will show you my
typical ABS exercises in the outdoor area of the gym. First we start with some leg
raises. To do this, I hang onto the scaffolding and move my legs up and down
again and again. Here I try to get up and then very straight down. But if it is too
hard for you as a beginner you can just move up your knees to the level of the
belly button. Here you do not necessarily have to count the repetitions because
we only work with your own body weight. Here the motto is: The more the more
effective. But do not overdo it, because we are just starting the workout and still
need power for the other exercises.
Alternatively, you can also grab a mat and lie on your back, stretch your legs to
the sky and also now perform the same up and down motion. It’s more
strenuous with your legs stretched out than with them bent. Depending on the
difficulty level, you can choose between the two variations.
After I finish with the hanging leg raises I continue with sit-ups, followed by lying
leg raises and Russian twists. Here Superset means: perform as many
repetitions as possible, because we also work here with all exercises as already
explained above, with our own body weight.

ABS Workout (4 Sets):
hanging leg raises (super set)
sit ups (super set)

lying leg raises (super set)
russian twist (super set)

I love activating my abs before a workout because I’m already focused and can
target the body part I want even better. I used to do my ABS workout at the end
but then I couldn’t concentrate on the muscles so the order I show you today is
the most effective for me. To achieve a similar form as me, I can only give you
the way to do more and more repetitions, instead of increasing the weight.

Following my four exercises, I do planks. First straight and then sideways. The
point is to keep the body in the same position as long as possible. During the
exercise, the butt must be at the same height as the back the whole time,
otherwise you will sag and not be able to effectively use your muscles. I always
hold for 2.5 minutes for the regular planks and 30 seconds for the lateral ones.
The good thing is that through the exercise we have now already warmed up the
shoulders, which we also need for the back workout.

Back Workout

Now I go back in and start
my back workout with some lat pulls on the machine. When I do back workouts I
am not very stuck in my routine. Sometimes I also start with some chin ups and
pull ups.

warm up Set: less weight (10-12 reps)
first set: 83 kg (less reps)
second set: 83 kg (less reps)
third set: less weight (many reps)

For my lat pull I use a wide bar. Here it is important to be very upright and not
move your back too much. Again, I follow the pyramid principle of weight
distribution and start with little weight which I then increase. At the end, as
always, I do another set with little weight to once again push my muscle as hard
as I can. But you already know that.
Here, it’s super important to make sure your elbows don’t stop in the front when
you go to the back. They must always be positioned at the back. This will allow
you to better target the upper lat, because afterwards we will do very tight lats
to target the other muscle groups. So it’s important to target the upper lat here
to get the full range of motion.

As just announced, we now change the grip on the cable pull to do lats in a
tighter grip. Here we also did two sets with 83 kg in 5 repetitions. We left out the
warm-up set with a few weights because we did both exercises directly after
each other. After that we did a drop set where we went down to 59 kg and as the
last set we did many repetitions (12 to 15 pieces) with little weight.
In general, with all exercises it is important to focus and concentrate and rather
take less weight and have the right execution.

Next, we do the Arrow exercise. Unfortunately, you can’t always do this, because
the machine for it is not available in all gyms. But when I have the opportunity I
always do the exercise because here you can hit the muscles particularly well.
For the right positioning you have to lean back a little bit on the machine.
Another tip is to always include a few concentrate pushes here, i.e. to exhaust
each side individually.

Next, I do wide pulls. Here I do each arm individually. To get the perfect position
on the machine, I lower the seat a bit so I can really pull the weight back. Try to
move your elbow up here and straight back.
warm Up Set:

less weight (12 – 15 reps)
first set: 50 kg (less reps)
second set: 50 kg (less reps)
third set: less weight (many reps)

After that I do deadlifts. But not real deadlifts, because I try to concentrate more
on my lower back. For this I use the barbell. Here it is especially important that
you don’t bend your knees too much, but just a little bit.

first set: 80 kg (12 reps)
second set: 100 kg (8 reps)
third set: 100 kg (8 reps)
fourth set: 110 kg (6 reps)
fifth set: 60 kg (12 – 15 reps)

After that, I train my back shoulders. Here I try to sit quite high on the machine.
It is important that the arm is in line with the shoulder. As with the previous
exercise, you should also lean back a little. It is also important to avoid curling
your neck like a turtle. To prevent this from happening you can turn your elbows

first set: much weight (less reps)
second set: much weight (less reps)
third set: less weight (many reps)

As a last exercise we train our biceps and neck with the dumbbells.

first set: much weight (less reps)
second set: much weight (less reps)
third set: less weight (many reps)

That’s it guys. I hope you like my routine and you can include some in yours. See
you soon !


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My typical Chest-Workout at the gym.

Hi guys, today I will show you a glimpse of my workout routine. The last time we trained together legs, today is the chest turn. So that the complete chest area is also addressed, I also train the shoulder and triceps. Be curious and learn how to exhaust your chest muscle most effectively in the gym.

Warm Up

At the beginning of the workout I do 10 minutes of cardio. I deliberately go on the stepper because I move my arms here in addition to my legs and thus also warm up my chest and back. After that, I stretch with a resistance band and then it’s off to the machines.

Shoulder Resistance Band:
3 times inwards (20 reps)
3 times outwards (20 reps)
3 times up and down (20 reps) 3 times backwards (20 reps)

The only important thing here is that the band is very flexible, as this is the best way to warm up the shoulders. During the exercise it is important that the upper arm does not move and remains rigid. The movement should be made exclusively from the forearm. The execution is ideal when the arm is at a 90 degree angle. When we are done with one arm, we switch and now push outward. This is a little more difficult, but after a little practice you can do it well. For beginners it makes sense to hold the upper arm with the other hand to avoid too much movement.

1st exercise: Bench Press

Our first real exercise is push ups with the barbell. Since I have quite long arms, I hold the bar far outside. But you can vary this depending on arm length and preference. Here, too, it is important that there is a 90 degree angle in the movement. To clean up, you can first do a set without weight. Here you can then also go a little deeper than normal to completely exhaust the muscles. But never go too far down, otherwise you can injure your shoulders. So you don’t have to touch your chest.

In this exercise we do 5 repetitions with weight:

First Set: With the bar (20 reps)
Second Set: 60kg (12 – 15 reps)
Third Set: 80 kg (8 reps)

Fourth Set: 85 – 90 kg (4 – 6 reps)
Fifth Set: 80 kg (4 – 6 reps)
Sixth Set 50-60 kg (as much reps you can)

As you can see, the progression here is similar to the squats. During the first repetitions the weight increases and towards the end I take it down a bit to use the last forces and tear the muscle completely.

2nd exercise Dumbbell Press

The next exercise we do on the dumbbell press. Here I will do 3 sets. The same principle applies here: First increase the weight and then perform the last set with less weight. In between the three reps, I always do as many push ups as I can. Normally the muscle would rest in the break between the sets, but these supersets make the muscle work even better and save you time by combining two exercises.

First Set: A lot weight (6 reps) Second Set: A lot weight (6 reps) Third Set: Less weight (many reps)

In the exercise, it is important that you do not go too much in the direction of the head when going down, but rather stay at the level of the chest. Again, a 90 degree angle should be maintained. What is also very important in this exercise is the position of the bench. This should be set at a 45 degree angle.Many people set the bench too low, so you can hit the desired muslin but not ideal. In our concentrated set, we lift one arm at a time to make the movement more controlled than before.

3rd exercise: Flyings

After the exercise we continue with flyings. Here too we do 3 repetitions. Here I always try to set the seat of the machine as low as possible, so that my hand is a little higher than the nipple line.

First Set: Find your weight (12 reps)
Second Set: A lot weight (8 reps)
Third Set: Much weight (many reps as you can)

During the exercise, I try to target the mid and upper chest, as we will be doing dips afterwards that are more targeted to the lower pecs. The most important tip here is simply focus: perform your exercises slowly and properly and focus on the muscles you want to target to get the best possible results.

4th exercise: Superset Dips + Handstand

Now follow the already announced dips. Here we also do 3 sets. The number doesn’t matter here: the more the better. So even if it’s already very much at the end of the workout, try to get everything out of it.

In the superset I do three sets of handstands for 45 seconds each. Another version of the handstand is to do it facing the wall. This makes the execution much harder and the handstand even more effective. If you can’t do a handstand you can either try to do it with help or alternatively do shoulder presses. If you do shoulder presses it doesn’t matter what weight you use, again it’s just a matter of pushing the muscle as hard as you can through many repetitions.

For dips, many use additional weight to their own body weight. I never do that, because I don’t want to get bigger because of the modeling, but only more defined. So it depends on what you want to achieve.

After that we do another set of side shoulder raises. Again, we do as many repetitions as we can. When doing this, make sure that when you go up, you move your thumb down to address the middle part of the shoulder.

Last exercise: Triceps

Finally, I’ll do a triceps exercise on the cable pulley. It’s always important for me to lean back a little so that I can see my arms better and concentrate on the correct execution. As an alternative, you can also lead the cable pulley over your head and perform the exercise the other way around. If you really focus on your muscles during the exercise, it’s enough to do an exercise where you target the trizeps.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask me in the comments. Otherwise, I look forward to your reactions and have fun imitating!