Episode 26: ✖️Too busy – is that possible?! ✖️

When someone had asked me that question a couple weeks ago I would said “𝑵𝒐, 𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒚 𝒊𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒐 𝒃𝒖𝒔𝒚!”
But after the last couple weeks my body told me I need a break and to slow down. I got sick 2 times in 3 weeks.
Now I’m in Italy and pushed a few projects back to get back my strength of body and mind.
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Always listen to your body and sometimes you have to take a break!
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⁉️𝑨𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒐𝒓 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆⁉️

Episode 21: ❌What is TALENT?!❌

Some people have it and some people don’t, the talent to do something. It’s like a gift what makes something easier.

But talent gives you nothing when you don’t have the vision to change something.


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So it’s not about how easy someone can burn fat or how easy it is for him to do something. If he is not hungry enough to fight, everyone can beat him! 🙏🏼💥

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Don’t cry, stand up and fight‼️


Episode 20: ❌ BEAUTY SURGERIES ❌

Today it’s normal to have fake lips, boobs, leashes or even an fake ass. Yes that’s right, some people are getting ass surgeries!

Everyone can do whatever he wants.. And I don’t criticize anyone for having surgeries!

BUT I would never do it or recommend it to anyone because I just love the natural body! If you are not happy with it go to the gym or do anything to CHANGE it! 💯


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What do you think?! 🤔💭


Episode 18: ❌What is the key for SUCCESS …💭❌

Everyone is trying to be successful! Everyone wants to know how to become successful?!

Yesterday I had an interview and one of the questions I had to answer was, “WHAT IS THE KEY FOR SUCCESS?” 💥💥💥

I answered the question in 5 bullet points!



Here is my answer:

– always stay hungry for more

– motivate yourself every day

– stay humble, be you

– make it different as everyone else

– surround with people with same goals and ideologies


„Always stay hungry for more!“

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Everyone knows it! It’s like Rocky!

When you have nothing, you will fight! You will do everything to success… 💥👆🏼

But when you are successful you get tired and many people are not hungry for more!

But that’s not the right way! You always should  stay hungry for more! That’s the only way to not lose what you have! 👊🏼👊🏼👊🏼

Do you know the feeling to get tired?!


„Motivate yourself every day!“

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One of the biggest keys for success is motivation! Everyone needs motivation, and it doesn’t matter if you are already successful or not! 😈😈

I try to listen to motivational speeches as often as I can! In the Morning before work, while work, while working out and everytime when I need motivation!

It’s always good to have some songs or speeches you can copy on your life, on your situation or on your feelings!

As @therock said: „Remember always the hard time!“ 🔙

That’s actually what motivates me the most as well! I remember always the time Street school when I was the small Fabian and not popular! 💥💥💥

If you need some motivation songs or speeches just COMMENT HERE and I will give you some I really like! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼


“Be humble, stay yourself!”

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To be humble creates a different way people get to know you… Everything is more personal and emotional!

That can make you stronger if you have the right personality! 💥💥💥

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Don’t change who you are because people like you because who you are!

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Any thoughts? 💭 


“Make everything different than everyone else!”

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One of the biggest keys of being successful is to make everything different!

Only if you are unique or you do unique stuff you can achieve something bigger than everyone else… If you just copy people you can’t be more successful than they! 🤬🤬🤬

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Wait for the last key for success coming tomorrow!


“Be surround with people with same goals and ideologies!”

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Only together you are strong! 👯‍♂️

Yeah that’s true! Only when you are around with people you can achieve more because everyone is pushing each other and helping to grow!

Today everything works with connections! It’s much easier to build your network exponentially if you are trying to achieve something together with other people!!! 📈

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Have you ever thought about that? 💭 

What are your thoughts?! 💭 

Do you think I was right?! 🧐


Episode 17: ❌ Dream or Reality?! ❌

Sometimes people forget about their reality… Sometimes people are just dreaming about their life… Sometimes people don’t try to achieve what they want… And the reason, EXCUSES‼️

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I was the same when I went to school! I just wanted to be like the cool kids. I just wanted to be a cool kid. Every night i dreamed about it. Every night i was enjoying my dreams and didn’t want to wake up because I was scared of the reality.. 👤

But when I started going to the gym I build up self esteem… I focused on my goals and tried to achieve them! HARD WORK and DISCIPLINE are the most important words❗️

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My advice: WAKE UP and DO whatever you wanted to do! 💥🙏🏼



Episode 16: ❌How to handle dislikes?!❌

When you get success you will get haters… But many of them are jealous of what you have achieved!! For me Haters are the biggest respect you can get!

It’s important that you are not listening what they are saying… Just let them talk and do your own thing! If you stay yourself and focus your goals, you can look back and be proud of what you have done! ❤️💥👍🏼

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Who agrees?!

What are your thoughts?


Episode 15: ❌How long is your LIFE?!❌

Everyone of you will think: “what does he mean with how long is my life?! It’s so easy!! My life is until I die…”

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But NO⚠️

That’s not the answer!!!⤵️

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To answer the question how long your life is, we have to think about what life means… for me life doesn’t mean to be on earth.. for me it means to follow your dreams and enjoy every second.. If you have the feeling you are just doing what you have to do and don’t want to, your life has not begun yet! 💥👊🏼

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So if you wanna life your life! Think about what YOU wanna do and fight that your dream become true! 🌅❤️

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Pls let me know what your thoughts are! ⤵️

Episode 13: ❌What is love? ❤️❌

Everyone is saying „I Love You!“… But how often does the person mean it like what it means?

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In my whole life I said maybe only once that I love that person… For me to love a person is a feeling to spend the rest of your life with… I’m very careful with what I’m saying… If you say anything you should feel it in your heart!💥🙏🏼

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What are your thoughts? 💭


Episode 10: ❌Hate or Forgiveness?!❌

What should you do if someone disappoints you?! 💥
Is there a point to hate him for the rest of your life?
Or is it better to forgive him?

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Everyone makes mistakes… Some mistakes are so big that it’s hard to forgive. But is it actually worth it to stay in a controversial for the next time?
I think there is no point for it! You don’t have to become best friends with this person. But try to accept the situation. You can’t change anything! So only if you accept it, you can live in harmony. 🍀🌱
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What are your thoughts? Pls let me know in the comments!!! ⤵️