Before I give you tips in fitness, I would like to explain why I started with fitness. Beside the reason why I started with fitness, you will also learn something about my life and about my childhood. This was an important point in my development.
Sport was and is my life
At the age of five, I started playing football. At the age of seven, I decided to start with handball in addition to football. I played Handball and Football until I was 15 years old. Because I had not enough time for both I had to decide for a sport. This decision was 100% football! During school I played flag-football in a school-team. At the age of 16 I started with gym. Sport has always been one of the biggest parts of my life. It distracted me and motivated me to keep going. I can’t imagine a life without sport. I just enjoyed being on the football field with my friends and running past the ball. Sometimes I felt like a crazy dog who is crazy about the ball.
My parents the reason for my urge to sport?
Yes, I think you can say it that way. Through my parents, I have become so crazy to sports. My father and mother played handball. My mother stopped when I was born and my dad stopped when I was about 6 years old. Well, I can‘t really remember that, but that’s how I would appreciate it. So every weekend, when I was younger, we were driving to a handball match of my dad’s team to watch him playing handball. In addition to handball, my father has had great interest in football. And to be honest, he was not a bad footballer either.
I remember the day when my parents asked me if I wanted to start a sport and which sport it should be. They left me all possibilities open. But i was only thinking about handball and football. At that time I found football just more interesting. Just like my brother. We are both football player.
The young Fabian
As a child, I was always a head shorter than all the others of my level and about a year younger. Because of that, I was always the weakest and thinnest. When I was 15, I broke my arm while skiing. Because it was a complicated break, I had to plaster for over two months. My entire arm muscles, which I had at that time, had completely disappeared and my right arm consisted only of skin and bones. When it started with girls and party at the age of 16, I don’t wanted be longer the little Fabian. The only way out I could see was to go to the gym and get some muscles. And so I did it.
I went to the next gym, which was not the best quality gym. But it was empty, had a sauna and with all my other buddies I could train there. I kept training without a break. From 2 days a week to 3 days a week, sometimes every day of the week. I started to learn more about fitness, read books, changed my diet, skipped alcohol, and did whatever it takes to get my body in shape. All this happened at the age of 18 years after party and alcohol was not that important anymore.
Because I’ve always played football in the meantime, I did not have to do cardio at the gym. So I focused only on growing my muscles. Usually my week looked like this: football three days a week and the gym three days a week. One day I had rest day. But that day I would have liked to go as well.
The setback at 18 years
When I was 18, I broke my elbow in football. It was not a complicated break and I only had to wear a plaster for three weeks. But this break was enough to make most of the muscles on my right arm disappear. It felt like a huge setback. All my energy, which I had previously invested in the gym, was in vain. I had no desire to start again and my motivation was on the ground. But I got through it and got up to go to the gym and start again. Since I was approached by photographer Teejott to model, I had the motivation to get back to my old form to look good in the photos. And yes, I did it again! I pulled through and kept coming forward and closer to my goal.
Review – Would I do it again?
I know that I put so much time into this hobby fitness. But I would do it again at any time, because on the one hand it changed my body but also on the other side my person. As I’ve told you already, you sit in the gym for hours, thinking about yourself, about your purpose in life, and about others.For me, fitness is more than just a sport to look fit. I use it to balance myself and to think about everything. Fitness simply puts you into a routine that can improve your day-to-day work and productivity. In addition, you get to know incredibly great new friends in the gym, who have the same interests and think similar!It is always great when you have not seen people for a long time and they make you aware of the success in the gym: “Yeah, you have changed a lot!”
I hope you liked this blog post?! If you have questions, feel free to ask me! I will answer everything and if you have suggestions on what to write in my next blog post, please tell me! 🙂Otherwise, check out my Instagram account! Best regardsFabian