Episode 14: ❌How to keep friends?! 😕❌

It’s always good to win friends… But it’s much harder to keep them!!

To have friends for a long time means to have someone that knows you and you can talk with  every time and about everything 🤗

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You won’t keep true friends with your money or anything else! You have to stay yourself and stay in contact with your friends! It’s important to be honest and trust!!!

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What are your thoughts for keeping friends?!


Episode 13: ❌What is love? ❤️❌

Everyone is saying „I Love You!“… But how often does the person mean it like what it means?

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In my whole life I said maybe only once that I love that person… For me to love a person is a feeling to spend the rest of your life with… I’m very careful with what I’m saying… If you say anything you should feel it in your heart!💥🙏🏼

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What are your thoughts? 💭


Episode 11: ❌What is life?❌

Means life to be on the planet earth? Does it mean to have your own thoughts and to be yourself? Is it to follow your job and do what you have to do? How long is it?
To find your goal in life you have to answer this question!!! 💥⚡
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My opinion:
Life is to have the chance to do what you ever wanna do.
Rather it’s traveling, to move to a new country, to learn a new job or even to find your real love!
You have only one life! And yes it’s short! So wake up and spend your time for things your really enjoy and wanna do!!! ✔️♥️
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What are your thoughts? Pls comment below!! 😇⤵️

Episode 10: ❌Hate or Forgiveness?!❌

What should you do if someone disappoints you?! 💥
Is there a point to hate him for the rest of your life?
Or is it better to forgive him?

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Everyone makes mistakes… Some mistakes are so big that it’s hard to forgive. But is it actually worth it to stay in a controversial for the next time?
I think there is no point for it! You don’t have to become best friends with this person. But try to accept the situation. You can’t change anything! So only if you accept it, you can live in harmony. 🍀🌱
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What are your thoughts? Pls let me know in the comments!!! ⤵️



Episode 8: ✖️ Dream or Reality? ✖️

When I was younger I had many dreams! I wanted to travel and see the world.. I wanted to work everywhere while traveling… It shouldn’t feel like work… I wanted to enjoy my life while I’m working… Now I’m living my dream! I’m traveling around get to know awesome people and have fun! Beside that I create some stuff for YouTube and Instagram!

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But please don’t think that’s no work! In average I spent 12 hours per day on planning, Instagram and YouTube, my Website and Modeling! Monday to Sunday! No day off!
I can say you it’s more than a full time job… And sometimes I’ve been thinking if it’s my dream to work like that… But in the next moment I remember what Im doing, inspiring and helping others change there mindset. That motivates me to keep going every day! 🤘🏼💥
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What is your dream? Do you still dream or changed your dreams in reality? ❤

Episode 7: ❌ What means freedom for you? ❌

For me freedom is more than only to be free for what you are doing… Freedom means to be free in who you are and want to be!
While traveling I learned to change in a “better” myself.
“Better” means that I feel satisfied for who I am. 🕊️
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The first step I made was to go by myself far away from home and start a new life.
You are actually limitless and you’re able to create your own world. 🌏


Episode 5: ❌ QUESTION: Appearance or Character?! ❌

What is more important for you? Many of you will say: OF COURSE CHARACTER! But honestly, that’s a lie and you know that!!!
Pls take your time and think about your past. Have you loved a person coz of her/his body, face, titts, ass? Or have you loved his character? What have you loved about the character? Was it the way the person spoke with people? Was it the humor? Was it the soul?
Do you think there is a person who has a character which matches to you 100%?


My answer:
The first thing when I met a girl is to check the outside..  I check the full body… After that I look into her eyes and face! For me the face is the most important of the outside of a girl… Her eyes, nose and smile… Cute and nice!!!
The second step is to get to know her character… I’m definitely not someone who is focusing only the appearance!
My focus is more on the character! The girl has to be nice, courteous, helpful and a mix between shy and she knows what she want! I hate girls who are whinge!
All together I would say both is important! For a long relationship character has more importance!
And yes I think there is a  character which matches to you 100%!


Episode 3: ❌ Sport is not only Sport! ❌

What does it mean?

You know that I have been doing sport (soccer,  handball, fitness in general) since I’m a kid… it was and will be always a main part in my life.
After several hours of training I’m proud of it! Not only to keep my body in shape. ➡️ Daily sport is helping you to get a better skin, hairs nails and immune system!

Also I’ve been thinking that it helped me to train my brain for science work. The brain gets more blood, you know how to concentrate and it helps you to get more motivation in achieving what you want! It also trains self discipline!
I would say sport is a main part four yourself to train how to become a BETTER person. 💥💥💥

While my last gym sessions I started to hear motivation speeches and audiobooks of self-education.

One of the best motivationspeeches I have ever heard is “The wake up call” from @therock … What I’ve been hearing at the moment is the biography of @elonmusk !!!! I can really recommend it!

So what I think is that sport is transmitting the motivation to all the other parts of your life and help you to achieve what you want!
#dosport #dontbelazy

Do you have the same opinion? Pls let me know in the comments!
❌ #becomeaBETTERperson ❌



Episode 2: ❌ What means “better” ❌

Before we can start with our journey selfeducation and mindgrowing, we have to define what it means to be better! Only if we know what better means, we can try to achieve it.

For me better means to be more happy with your life and yourself. I will try to live after a positive vibe. I will try to do everything as best as I can. I’m a perfectionist…It means I will try to live 100% healthy, to work 100% for my goals in live and work! I will stay motivated and share my vibe with other people! ➡️ So I think a better person is someone who’s spending his life to make others happy and concentrate only on things which are important! Important individual for every person!

What are you thinking about a better person? What means better for you?! It doesn’t matter if you have a different opinion! Everyone has his own goals and point of view.