What does it mean?
You know that I have been doing sport (soccer, handball, fitness in general) since I’m a kid… it was and will be always a main part in my life.
After several hours of training I’m proud of it! Not only to keep my body in shape. ➡️ Daily sport is helping you to get a better skin, hairs nails and immune system!
Also I’ve been thinking that it helped me to train my brain for science work. The brain gets more blood, you know how to concentrate and it helps you to get more motivation in achieving what you want! It also trains self discipline!
I would say sport is a main part four yourself to train how to become a BETTER person. 💥💥💥
While my last gym sessions I started to hear motivation speeches and audiobooks of self-education.
One of the best motivationspeeches I have ever heard is “The wake up call” from @therock … What I’ve been hearing at the moment is the biography of @elonmusk !!!! I can really recommend it!
So what I think is that sport is transmitting the motivation to all the other parts of your life and help you to achieve what you want!
#dosport #dontbelazy
Do you have the same opinion? Pls let me know in the comments!
❌ #becomeaBETTERperson ❌